evans GmbH
Est. 2002
2002 - evans was founded
Robert John who works since 1995 in the real estate industry founded 2002 evans GmbH. The focus is on management consulting, asset management consulting, Merger & Acquisition and valuation.
2010 - evans software was founded
In 2010 we founded evans software GmbH & Co. KG as subsidiary in whom we outsourced the software business and merged the European business and team of Cougar Software GmbH. The head office is as well located in Berlin and driven by the Executive Director Robert H. John.
In the past 16 years we advised >50 medium sized and large scale corporates with assets on average of 100 Mio. € and 1 Bill. € under management. Please feel free to ask for reference clients.
2011 - captrack, autagis and accvantage was launched
In 2011 we launched the new "web-cloud-computing" solution for property management "autagis" and for the asset management "captrack". autagis and captrack are using our strong ERP solution for the accounting and budgeting modules "accvantage".
2013 - new share holder Matthias Ellmer
Matthias Ellmer who is a long term partner of R. John took over in 2013 a share of 25% of evans software.
2015 - Hosting of REMO Benchmarking Software
in 2015 evans software took over the hosting and service, R&D and the technical support for the web based benchmarking software REMO from CREIS - Neuman & Partner, Berlin and Rostock.
2016 - project management for an European mautservice company
evans software took over the project management for an european maut-service company to develop a new mout-calculation software solution. In 2016 Mr. Stephan Seacker supported our development team.
2017 - evans has 15 corporate software clients
In 2017 we reached the level of 15 corporate clients. This makes us proud. Meanwile our solution is used daily by 180 users who access 8.500 times pages and reports daily.
2018 evans software is part of Vision Consulting
Vision Consulting enlarges in 2018 it's portfolio with evans software. Vision Consulting and evans software have signed an agreement to improve sales and marketing for the software solutions captrack and autagis and a plan to merge of the companies in 2019.
2018 - evans software develops Workplace for Berliner Bauakademie
Berliner Bauakademie ordered the new software solution Workplace. evans software developes for Bauakademie the new web based software to calculate occupancy of work places and areas for large corporates. Workplace includes a scoring modell and several reports and as well modelling features. 11 big size corporates are involved in this round table project.
2018 evans software develops the benchmarking software REMO for Berliner Bauakademie
The Berliner Bauakademie becomes a key account of evans. As a second order of the Bauakademie Berlin evans develps the new web based software platfor REMO. REMO is a benchmarking software solution for the real estate industry and was originally designed by Neumann & Partner.